Friday 19 April 2013

Location confirmed

Today we went to view two spaces in the Piccadilly Place complex. We have booked the smaller of the two for 5 days, 3 for set up, the launch night, one day for the show to be open and one day for clearing the space afterwards. This will be Sunday 5th May until Friday 10th.

The space is ideal, a great size and we will hopefully install temporary white walls in the centre of the room as well as displaying on the windows and around the room. I like that we are not allowed to install in a permanent way - I.e. nails in the walls. We have always liked the idea of the show being fleeting, temporary and not a massive event, so people might miss it or not notice it. We have never wanted to make a big statement or make a big deal of this event, this ties in with our theme of transience.

We aren't going to name out show or announce the name until the show starts. This means it isn't really happening until then. We will do minimal publicity between now and then, make a Facebook group (with no name if possible) and make posters with just the date of the launch and the location.

These kinda of marketing are minimal, subtle and discreet on purpose. Facebook and posters on hoardings are easily missed or cast aside.

We have 2 and a half weeks until then. And then 2 weeks after the show until the deadline.

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