Thursday, 11 April 2013

Bridges Help People Cross Rivers

Exhibition launch at Piccadilly Place

Spoke to Joe Fletcher Orr (curator, featured artist and third year student) about the show, his contact at the location, practicalities of the show there.

He told us the cost is £120 for a compulsory bouncer (between six of us is not very much, and if we have the show on for a day or two it might be negotiable)

He told us he would help us with our risk assessment and insurance which is fantastic.

The gallery spaces there are ideal for our ideas, they look like building sites, with exposed wall insulation, temporary lights and bare stone floors, and one of them has temporary white partition walls in the middle where a show has been before. Before we saw this other room we had discussed showing in the centre of the room to adapt to the large space and to adhere to the temporary theme as well as covering the large glass windows at the front with posters.

Apparently there is vacancy in the space in May, and we our flexible with our time and date requirements because we don't need it to be on for very long.

We have moved on from the empty shop idea, firstly because of practicality, we need to arrange our location as soon as possible so we can start organising properly, and we hadn't got anywhere with the search so far. Secondly, it looked like we were going to have to rent a retail unit from a proper landlord and we can't afford that - we want out show to be cheap and with minimal mainstream or corporate involvement to achieve the alternative and non-conventional exhibition we wanted. ..and we want to spend as little as possible.

I'm waiting to be sent the contact details of a woman called Harriet who runs those exhibition spaces, and I'll enquire about what dates are available, the practicalities of what we can hang on the walls and whether they will welcome a short show.

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